Welcome to Your New Website

If you are seeing this webpage, it means that your new hosting account has been setup and your domain name is pointing to our server. This is just a default holder page that shows up until you upload your own website content.

How Do I Change This Page?

This is just a simple index.html file that resides in your hosting account. You can either:

How to Transfer Files

When your hosting account was setup, you received a username and password. You can use this information to FTP your webpage and image files.

FTP (which stands for File Transfer Protocol) basically just means to transfer files from your computer to your web hosting account space. Here are a few free FTP software programs that you can download to your computer:

Here's a good tutorial on how to use FTP software

Still Have Questions?

If you still have questions, feel free to contact us by creating a support ticket in our online billing and support system. You'll need to login with the username and password you were given when you signed up.
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